Monday, September 22, 2008

SUN Shines in the list of Best employers survey ‘08’

SUN Microsystems fared up 19th (read top 20) in Best employers survey for the year 2008.  People voted in favor of Work-Life Balance as the top criterion for their sustained loyalty towards their respective employers.

According to research firm IDC and Dataquest, with the growing average experience in this relatively young software industry, work-life balance seems to be getting one of the top reasons in terms of employee satisfaction followed by compensation and benefits, growth opportunities, overseas exp. and location of the company to state a few.

Having personally witnessed, SUN Microsystems in India keeps its employees motivated at work by embedding work-life balance tactics into its internal policies. The company encourages telecommuting and pays out internet charges used for official purpose. Office wide WIFI, break out rooms, flexible work timings ensure employees are not tied down to their desk and can work from the corner of their comfort. New to the list are employee wellness initiatives through which company pays its employees to sweat out at a GYM of their choice. The open culture at this open source software company justifies the ranking its awarded. Congratulations SUN !

Complete Article on this survey can be read here.

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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Link your blogs with related content using Sphere

Sphere (now an AOL subsidiary), provides a novel way of linking blogs with contextually relevant content from the web.

You could virtually spin your site as an information hub for your readers by embedding your blogs with Sphere widgets. The approach is bi-directional. Your readers get to read more on the topics that you publish and your blogs get listed into related searches on other blogs.

This synergy helps a great deal to enhance site interaction which results in acquiring new readers.

Here is how it looks on my blog :


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Saturday, September 6, 2008

Master "Data" Management : Its not about "Data" or Technology ?

... de facto, MDM is about the business. Its about improving the business processes.

This is what Tony Fisher, President and CEO of DataFlux says in response to one of the articles that said that 89% of MDM initiatives are started with the notion to rectify inadequacies of data-management infrastructure.

He said, MDM strategy should start with identifying what business problem is being solved followed by streamlining business processes that are part of this problem. Starting with rectifying data is like starting on the wrong side which will just lead to building another data silo, this time called "MDM".

This is an interesting take on MDM and you can read the full article here.

DataFlux is a prominent MDM vendor that sells Data Governance, Data Quality and Master Data Management solutions.

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Get your favorite live TV and Radio channels at your desktop


Delicast is the directory of the streaming media freely available on the Internet. With this, your could quickly locate your favorite international radio and live international television channel and play it in the media player on your desktop.

The site is multilingual and displays the country specific channel listings.

So next time when you are traveling abroad and need to catch up with telecast on your national television, keep this handy!

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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Google Chrome - A Search Centric Browser

 imageGoogle Chrome, an open source browser from Google, became available for downloads today. It must be just a few minutes past the moment that I noticed a link on Google  search page and downloaded the brand new browser.

Here are some of the key differentiators :

  • Its based on the theme which Google does the best .. Search!!
  • Browser has a combined search and address bar. Browser starts suggesting possible addresses as user starts entering web links or search strings.
  • Each new tab that opens on the browser provides a snapshot of most visited sites, book marks and recent searches.
  • User can search the browsing history instead of looking for it in the drop-down list. Also, users can use incognito window for private browsing where no browsing history is registered.
  • The tabs on the parent browser window can be pulled in and out to form separate windows or tab groups.
  • Each browser tab works as an independent process which means that if a site crashes on one tab, it would leave rest of the tabs intact while bringing down the tab on which a site crashed !!
  • The browser has softness of Apple's Safari and a punch on Mozilla's Firefox. It can  inherits the configuration from the installed browser.


Here is some more info of interest ....

  • Its an open source browser !
  • It uses components from Apple's WebKit and Mozilla's Firefox.
  • Beta released is for windows, Mac and Linux versions would gradually follow
  • Its build over V8, a more powerful java script engine!

With a simple yet winning look and feel, its a browser that you would certainly like to try and decide like other Google products.

Google Chrome can be downloaded here

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